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BrightBridge Savings

Having some money saved gave me peace of mind.

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Having some money saved gave me peace of mind.

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BridgeBuilder High Yield Savings Account!

Members can take advantage of a special offer to celebrate our new brand: the BridgeBuilder High Yield Savings Account!

Features include:

  • 3.29% APY* (with Interest Rate at 3.24%)
  • $5,000 minimum deposit
  • New money only

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High Yield Savings

Accelerate your savings with a high interest rate!  Earn more than 6x the national average without tying your money up in a certificate:

The minimum opening balance is $10,000.


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Savings + Checking = a Match made in Heaven

Kasasa Saver

The savings account that helps your rewards grow effortlessly.

Earn automatic rewards transfers from your Kasasa checking account.  


  • Get 1.00% APY* on average daily balances up to $25,000. 
  • Get 0.20% APY* on average daily balances over $25,000.  

The requirements are easy! Your Kasasa Saver Account must be linked to either a Kasasa Cash Back or Kasasa Cash checking account.  If your checking account meets qualifications, your Saver account will earn a higher dividend rate.

Didn’t meet the requirements to get your Kasasa checking rewards? Your Saver account still earns 0.02% APY*.

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More money saved, more money earned!

Membership Savings

Get your share of the Credit Union! This account gives you access to all of the benefits of membership in BrightBridge.


  • Minimum $5.00 to open
  • Earn dividends
  • Use your account anytime
  • Access to 40,000+ surcharge-free ATMs nationwide
  • Insured by NCUA for up to $250,000 and MSIC over $250,000

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Savings Clubs

Be ready for the holidays or your next vacation with a Savings club! Set it and forget it—until it's time to shop or book your trip.


  • Choose between weekly or monthly automatic deposit transfers
  • Deposit funds at any time
  • Minimum $5.00 to open

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Money Market Accounts

Access to your money but with a higher yield.  BrightBridge's 7-tier Money Market account can help you grow your balance. Keep your daily balance above $2,500 to avoid the $5.00 low balance fee!  

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Savings Accounts
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Account TypeMinimum to open the accountMinimum to Earn APYInterest RateAPY*
Membership Savings (Main Share) $5.00 $5.00 0.10% 0.10%
Savings (Share Savings) $5.00 $0.00 0.10% 0.10%
Holiday Club $5.00 $0.00 0.20% 0.20%
Vacation Club $5.00 $0.00 0.20% 0.20%
Back to School Club $5.00 $0.00 0.20% 0.20%
IRA Share Savings $5.00 $0.00 0.10% 0.10%
APY - Annual Percentage Yield assumes that all funds, including dividends, remain on deposit for 365 days. Fees may reduce earnings. Rates subject to change daily and may change after the account is opened. Accounts are insured by NCUA up to $250,000.Shares and Deposits in excess of NCUA limits are fully insured by MSIC.



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