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Home / Borrow / Financial Hardship
financial hardship, greenpath, debt management, financial counseling, financial wellness

BrightBridge was a caring partner when I needed it most.

financial hardship, greenpath, debt management, financial counseling, financial wellness

BrightBridge was a caring partner when I needed it most.

Financial Hardship

The unexpected happens. We're here for you.

Mortgage Financial Hardship Assistance

We realize that financial hardship can happen to anyone. If you are unable to make your mortgage or home equity loan payment in a timely manner, we may be able to help. We will make every effort to assist you with your loan to avoid foreclosure.  To speak with someone regarding your mortgage loan, please contact us at 800.356.0067.

Beware of Foreclosure Rescue Scams

You should NEVER pay for assistance or information about any mortgage financial hardship program. This assistance is free through HUD. Contact a HUD-approved counselor.

Beware of anyone who:

  • Asks you to pay a fee for housing counseling services or modification of a delinquent loan.
  • Says they can “save” your home if you sign or transfer over the deed to your house.
  • Asks you to make your mortgage payments to them. Always work with your mortgage servicer.

GreenPath, financial wellness, financial counseling, debt management, mortgage counseling, student loan counseling, foreclosure prevention

GreenPath is here to help!

Your Free Financial Wellness partner can help with:

  • One-on-one financial counseling with a caring, compassionate expert
  • A debt management plan
  • Home buyer preparation, foreclosure prevention, & reverse mortgage counseling
  • Credit report review to get your credit back on track
  • Student loan counseling and assistance

Contact GreenPath today!