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What Does OneTeam Mean to Me?
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What does OneTeam Mean to Me?

Hi everyone,

I first want to welcome you to Member’s Edge, our expanded news section on Here, you’ll enjoy a behind-the-scenes look at your credit union and the teammates who make Merrimack Valley Credit Union (MVCU) and Bridgewater Credit Union (BCU) wonderful places to work and bank.

At MVCU and BCU, we consider ourselves a part of OneTeam; a team made up of many branches, many team members, and many members. We work together to support each other, and we’re all aligned towards the common goal of making this the best place anyone has ever worked or banked.

When I think about OneTeam, I think about things like having each other’s backs, prioritizing clear communication throughout our departments, collaboration, and building trust between our teammates and members.

I also think about one of our core values, “Straight Talk,” which serves as constructive feedback. We know that in every business setting there’s always room for improvement. Here at MVCU, we love when both our teammates and members provide us with honest feedback on things that might need a change, as this is the pathway towards our common goal.

Lastly, our OneTeam philosophy also includes what I refer to as “Work Hard, Play Hard.” Our very own teammates work so hard to support our members each day. I am so proud of all of their work, but I also want to make sure that they take time to relax. This is my wish for members too. Work hard, but don’t forget to play. Do things that make you happy, engage with others who make you laugh, and try something that you might never have experienced before.

Being part of OneTeam is like being a part of a close-knit community. We are all neighbors, here to lift each other up when it’s needed. So read on, learn more about your credit union and the teammates who help you each day.

I’m thrilled to give you this closer look, and I’m thankful that you’re part of our community.

JH Sig

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