BrightBridge Credit Union
Auto & Personal Credit Card Mortgage & Home Equity Undergraduate, Graduate, & Refi Commercial Loans & Lines

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Important Notice: The computer system conversion between Cabot Boston Credit Union (CBCU) and BrightBridge Credit Union (formerly Merrimack Valley Credit Union) will begin Tuesday, April 1, 2025. To prepare for this consolidation, on Monday, March 31 at 1:00 pm:

For detailed information on enrolling in BrightBridge online and mobile banking or your credit union account, refer to the information below.


former Cabot
Boston Credit Union
members. We’re

Merrimack Valley Credit Union

We hope you are enjoying your credit union membership.

Over the past few months, we have been thoughtfully planning the system conversion between Cabot Boston Credit Union (CBCU) and BrightBridge Credit Union scheduled to take place in April 2025.
Once this process is complete, you will be able to take full advantage of all we have to offer including:

Please read this important information about your credit union account.

Member Number

To ensure uninterrupted access to your accounts and maintain our high level of service, your member number will change. You will receive your new member number in a future mailing. Please use this new number when registering for our online or mobile banking platforms, setting up new automatic payments or deposits, or completing transactions at a Shared Branch location. We will continue to post transactions using your former number for sixty days following conversion, giving you time to redirect payments and direct deposits.

Deposit Accounts

In April, all CBCU savings and checking accounts will be changed into one of the accounts listed below. You do not need to take any action; this will be done automatically. Please reference the Truth in Savings disclosure for account features and details.

CBCU Account New Account
Share Membership Share
Draft Basic Checking
Share Savings Share Savings
Christmas Club Holiday Club

Membership Share:
Minimum $5.00 to open and earn dividends

Basic Checking:
No monthly maintenance fee or minimum balance

Share Savings:
No minimum to open or earn dividends

Holiday Club:
Minimum $5.00 to open and no minimum balance to earn dividends


You will receive a set of complimentary checks. Please begin using these when they are mailed to you in April. Any outstanding checks written prior to April 2025 still will be honored.

Debit cards

If you would like to receive a BrightBridge debit card for your checking account, please reach out to us at (800) 356-0067 or visit your local branch.

Certificates of Deposit

Your Certificates of Deposit will earn dividends based on the average daily balance method.


Your statements will include activity performed in the prior calendar month. All statements will have a new look and include the same information about your account.

All members will receive a March statement in the mail.

The paper statement fee of $2 per mail statement will be waived for former CBCU members until October 2025. We encourage all members to enroll in eStatements.

If you have a home equity loan, your statement will no longer be included in your monthly or quarterly statements. Instead, you will receive a separate monthly home equity loan statement.

Consumer Loans

While there will be no change to your loan’s interest rate, monthly payments and terms, you will be issued a new account number.

Automatic loan payments from your savings or checking account to your loan will transfer to the new system. If you have a previously scheduled payment originating from another financial institution, you will need to update your account information with the originating entity.

To make a consumer loan payment by mail please use the following addresses:

BrightBridge Credit Union
P.O. Box 909
North Andover, MA 01845

For overnight payments:
BrightBridge Credit Union
75 Main Street
Bridgewater, MA 02324

You may also make online payments through BrightBridge online or mobile banking or visit your local branch.

For new loans, you can apply online, over the phone at (800) 356-0067, through online or mobile banking, or by visiting your local branch.

Residential Mortgage & Home Equity Loans

For new loans, take advantage of our easy-to-use application process available online. You can apply securely through our online or mobile banking platforms or visit your local branch for personalized assistance.

Existing Loans:

To make a home equity loan payment by mail, please use the following addresses:

BrightBridge Credit Union
P.O. Box 909
North Andover, MA 01845

For overnight payments:
BrightBridge Credit Union
75 Main Street
Bridgewater, MA 02324

You may also make online payments through BrightBridge online or mobile banking or visit your local branch.

Please notify your homeowner insurance company to update the loss mortgagee payee clause to:

BrightBridge Credit Union, ISAOA, ATIMA
500 Merrimack Street
Lawrence, MA 01843

Digital Banking

You will enjoy exciting features and benefits when you register for online or mobile banking. You also may enroll in Credit Score, a free resource available on these platforms that offers you access to your FICO score and helps you set savings and budgeting goals.

Important information about accessing your BrightBridge account online:

Will I be able to use the same online banking username and password that I used on the CBCU system?

Once your account has been converted to the BrightBridge system, you will need to register for BrightBridge's online or mobile banking platforms to access your accounts (instructions for registering are found below). During the registration process, you’ll create a new username and password. If your current CBCU username and password meet BrightBridge ’s complexity requirements, you can continue using them.

Where do I register and access BrightBridge’s online banking platform?

You can register and access BrightBridge’s online banking platform by visiting or by downloading our mobile app by searching “BrightBridge Credit Union” in the Apple and Google Play app stores.

What should I keep in mind when I register for BrightBridge digital banking?

  • You will have access to all accounts where you are a primary or joint account holder with a single login.
  • Any alerts that you have in place with CBCU’s online banking platform will need to be recreated once you register and sign in to BrightBridge’s digital banking platform. Once logged in, click “Tools” and then “Alerts” to set up a new alert.
  • eStatements: If you would like a copy of your February 2025 statement, you should download it from CBCU’s online banking platform prior to the system conversion.
  • BrightBridge's digital banking platforms offer members access to up to a rolling 24-month period of eStatements.
  • Recurring and future dated transfers will not carry over to BrightBridge. Once you’ve registered for online or mobile banking, please sign in and click “Transfers” and recreate the transfer.
  • Account nicknames, favorites or “hide my account” settings will need to be recreated once you log in to BrightBridge's digital banking platforms. You can do this by clicking “Settings” and making your desired changes.

Getting Started with Digital Banking
Our online and mobile banking platforms offer convenient and robust digital banking features, all in one place. Registration is easy--just follow the simple steps below.
Enrolling in Online Banking
Online Banking Screenshot
  1. Visit
  2. Click ‘Login’ on the top, right side of the home screen. Then, select “Register.”
  3. Choose whether you would like to register for an individual or business account depending on your membership type.
  4. Review the disclosures and agree. Then, click “Continue.”
  5. Confirm your identity by completing the fields for member number, SSN/Tax ID, email and zip code.
  6. Verify your identity by selecting the method you wish to receive a one-time passcode. Then, enter in the code that was sent to you and click “Continue.”
  7. Create a username and password.
    • Username must be between 8 and 60 characters.
    • The password must be at least 10 characters in length and include at least one uppercase letter, one number and one special character.
  8. Select the option to subscribe for eStatements or click “Continue.” *
  9. Success! You may now log in to our online banking platform and manage your account your way.
Enrolling in Mobile Banking
  1. Search for “BrightBridge Credit Union” in your preferred app store.
  2. Download our mobile app and click “Register a New Account.”
  3. Choose whether you would like to register an individual or business account.
  4. Review the disclosures and agree. Then, click “Continue.”
  5. Confirm your identity by completing the required fields.
  6. Verify your ID by selecting and entering a one-time passcode.
  7. Create a username and password. Username must be between 8 and 60 characters. The password must be at least 10 characters in length and include at least one uppercase letter, one number and one special character.
  8. Review your contact information for accuracy.
  9. Select the option to subscribe to eStatements or click “Continue.” *
  10. Options to use Biometrics – Opt-in or Select “Not Right Now.”
  11. Success! You’ll be brought to your Accounts page on the app. You now can easily access your accounts from anywhere at any time.

*BrightBridge charges a monthly fee of $2 for paper statements, so be sure to enroll in eStatements to avoid the fee and help us reduce waste.

Digital Banking Features
Once registered, you will enjoy all the exciting benefits of digital banking with BrightBridge, including:
  • Automatic access to all of your accounts with a single login.
  • A dashboard that allows you to view all your accounts, including linked accounts.
  • Internal and External Account Transfers. You can quickly and securely verify your external accounts and have immediate access to transfer money between accounts.
  • Securely access your mobile app with Face ID or a PIN.
  • Stay in the know with real-time text, email or push notification alerts.
  • Bill Pay & Quick Pay. Send a one-time payment, schedule recurring payments and have access to bills and eStatements.
  • Debit & Credit Card Management. You can gain full control of your cards with the ability to pause cards, report them as lost or stolen, set travel notifications, activate a new card and create your PIN and view the full details of your card.
  • Money Management Tools. Set financial goals, create budgets and link multiple accounts for a real-time financial snapshot.
  • Quickly and Easily Dispute a Transaction. Simply select the transaction you’d like to dispute, provide the information and submit.
  • Electronic Documents. Access tax forms and up to 24 months of eStatements.
  • Skip-A-Pay. Skip a loan payment with ease directly through online banking (available for eligible members).**
  • Easy applications for loans or new accounts.
  • Hide or reorder accounts, update contact information, order checks, submit a stop payment request and so much more.

Plus, when you use our mobile app, you have access to your mobile wallet, which allows you to add your BrightBridge debit card to your smartphone wallet and pay with your phone, and mobile check deposit so you can deposit checks from the comfort of home.

The account disclosures are effective April 1, 2025. Please note that the Fee Schedule, effective as of February 15, 2024, remains in effect after the system conversion on April 1, 2025. No changes to fees will result from this transition.

**Skip-A-Pay: Loans must have been opened for a minimum of six (6) months prior to the first month skipped. Your account and membership status must be current and in good standing in the month prior to the month being skipped. Interest will continue to accrue on unpaid balances through skipped payment period. Account holder acknowledges that Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP); Debt Protection/Credit Protection and/or Warranty claim benefits may be impacted due to extension of maturity date and continued interest accrual on skipped payments. Account holder assumes all responsibility for cancellation and reinstatement of third party originated payment transactions.